sleep well

* Having trouble getting to sleep?

* Find yourself waking in the night?

* Want to wake up feeling ready for the day ahead?

* Tried everything and nothing works?

Get My Sleep Well Guide packed full of advice, techniques and a comprehensive range of video and written resources…It’s the ultimate guide to a good night’s sleep.


My “How to get a good night’s sleep” guide will give you a simple, easy to do technique that will have you falling asleep easily and waking refreshed in the morning.

Why is this different from everything you’ve tried before?

  • Firstly; it’s quick- 5 minutes each evening and you’ll be set up for the night.
  • Secondly; it’s simple- using EFT techniques needs no complicated equipment and is very easy to learn
  • You will also find that your waking hours are so much better! You will feel calmer, more able to deal with the day’s stresses and generally feel in a better mood.

If you’ve never tried EFT – I’ve got you covered, with a beginners’ video on using EFT, plus tapping script, plus EFT manual that explains how it works. This is a PROVEN technique for releasing stress and creating relaxation that helps you to sleep better. I use EFT and it’s as simple as brushing your teeth.


Sleep Well Book – Bonus Videos- Sleep Well Videos – EFT Videos

All this for ONLY £2.99

“I slept through from midnight to 7.30am for the first in ages!!”, Karen Gee