
New Mum Support

Give you and your baby a great start

New Mums Programme

Give you and your baby a great start

The start of new motherhood is a special and fragile time for mother and baby to get to know each other, connect and bond. This can be a difficult time for the new mother who may have a limited support network as families often live far away and partners may be at work. Yet, she is still expected to nurture the baby, cook, clean, take care of herself, her home and a new born.
Some mothers may be experiencing pain and emotional distress from a difficult birth experience, understood by few and unable to express these emotions.
There is an expectation that they will “get back to normal”, even a timeframe! You have your 6-week check-up and are declared “normal” and you certainly don’t feel that way.

Newsflash… you don’t get back to normal, rather you move forward to a new normal, a normal that takes time to happen.

In my experience this transition takes around 2 years, but it can be very exciting, when you have support along the way.

This expectation of themselves and of society does not allow space for the woman to integrate the birth of herself as mother. All confusing or negative feelings are often swept under the carpet and a brave face is put on. Suppressing negative feelings can be a contributing factor to post-natal blues or even depression, especially if the birth has not unfolded as the woman hoped for, giving rise to guilt, anger and grief. EFT can help a woman acknowledge suppressed feelings and then release them, helping her to find peace within herself and connect with her baby.

releasing Birth Trauma

More and more women nowadays are experiencing negative births.  There are many possible reasons such as

  • Western woman are brought up to be in control of their lives whereas birth requires the woman’s mind and body to surrender
  • Birth commonly takes place in hospital where a woman is a patient and therefore not in control of her environment, she lacks privacy and typically hands over her power to experts

Birth trauma or difficult birth memories often arise when a woman experiences a birth which is very different from her expectations.

So for example if a woman wants a natural birth and has intervention, she may be disappointed if she does not feel in control of the course of events.  Conversely, if a woman very much wants an epidural, but there is no time to give her one or an anaesthetist is not available, so she births naturally, she may feel overwhelmed  or cheated that she was not able to have the birth she wanted/ expected. She may feel misunderstood because those around her expect her to be happy because she had a natural birth and a healthy baby.

EFT is really excellent at releasing birth trauma and some women have experienced release of the negativity and other symptoms in just one session.

See the video testimonial above which shows a woman talking about how one session help her overcome her difficult birth (starts half way through).

• Release upsetting feelings about birth (eg fear, anxiety, guilt, anger, shame)
• Recall birth memory without getting upset
• Release negative beliefs about the birth and being a mother (eg “I’m not good enough”, “I’m a failure”)
• Create new positive beliefs to support your continuing motherhood journey

Sleeping Issues

New motherhood is tiring! Add into that the fact that few babies sleep well straight away and the combination can lead to exhaustion, irritability and tears. There is an overwhelming amount of advice out there about sleep patterns, best ways to get baby to sleep and how to get sleep for yourself. Well-meaning relatives all have their advice too. The simplest advice is that both you and your baby need sleep; how much will depend on your personal, individual needs. You can, however, help both of you with techniques to alleviate stress, restore calm and develop a pattern of sleep that suits you both. If you go back to work for example, your sleep needs will change. For example, you cannot take a mid-morning nap in the office.
EFT is a powerful technique for regaining control of the emotions resulting from loss of sleep and to clear your mind so that you can go to sleep more quickly. It is also an awesome technique to use with restless non sleeping babies!

Sleeping Issues

New motherhood is tiring! Add into that the fact that few babies sleep well straight away and the combination can lead to exhaustion, irritability and tears. There is an overwhelming amount of advice out there about sleep patterns, best ways to get baby to sleep and how to get sleep for yourself. Well-meaning relatives all have their advice too. The simplest advice is that both you and your baby need sleep; how much will depend on your personal, individual needs. You can, however, help both of you with techniques to alleviate stress, restore calm and develop a pattern of sleep that suits you both. If you go back to work for example, your sleep needs will change. For example, you cannot take a mid-morning nap in the office.
EFT is a powerful technique for regaining control of the emotions resulting from loss of sleep and to clear your mind so that you can go to sleep more quickly. It is also an awesome technique to use with restless non sleeping babies!

“Oh my! Before bed last night I did EFT & oh my goodness…. both 2 year old & I only woke once each! Thank you so much.” Kelly Lowen

“Oh my! Before bed last night I did EFT & oh my goodness…. both 2 year old & I only woke once each! Thank you so much.” 

~ Kelly Lowen ~

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