by Tamara Donn | Jan 1, 2017 | Busy Mums, EFT, Motherhood, New Mums
Are you a new mum or dad? It can be exhilarating and terrifying at the same time, becoming a new mum or dad. You may read a ton of baby books but nothing actually prepares you for the real thing. Sometimes I think there is almost too much information out there on...
by Tamara Donn | Aug 28, 2016 | Case Studies, EFT, Mother Relationship, Motherhood, New Mums, Pregnancy and Birth
Cord around the neck blocked my client moving forward in her business. With permission I share her story: This morning I had a client who felt blocked moving forward in her business. As she shared more details she said that she knew she had been born with...
by Tamara Donn | Oct 2, 2013 | Case Studies, EFT, Motherhood, New Mums, Sleep
Following the popularity of my previous blog “Does your baby sleep through the night yet? Part 1”, I thought I’d share the experience of one mother who used EFT to help with her childrens sleep issues and make an EFT video to help you with sleep...
by Tamara Donn | Sep 24, 2013 | EFT, Motherhood, New Mums
This is one of the most common questions new mothers are asked. I was drawn to writing about this after giving an EFT talk at the wonderful Butterflies Pre & Post-natal Depression Support Group in Watford, founded by Claire Murphy. Hearing the women talk,...
by Tamara Donn | Apr 10, 2013 | EFT, Motherhood, New Mums, Pregnancy and Birth
The number of mothers nowadays who have negative memories of their birth experience is on the increase. For some it may be disappointment that it did not unfold the way they had hoped for. For others it may be something that someone at their birth had said or done....
by Tamara Donn | Mar 18, 2013 | EFT, Motherhood, New Mums, Pregnancy and Birth
According to the Daily Mail today Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, would prefer a boy and Prince William wants a girl. This implies that they have not had a scan to find out the sex yet. According to a recent survey I conducted over half of the participants found out the...