
Can we tap every night this week please Mum?

by | Apr 26, 2017

“Just had such a wonderful tapping experience with my 15 year old son. He starts his year 10 end of year exams tomorrow. They are a really big deal. He’s worked hard for the last few weeks revising. He confided tonight that he is super stressed and anxious, particularly about Biology. He said he’d like to do some tapping. The intensity of his anxiety 9 out of 10. When we finished, it was at a 0. All his initial fears of failing and not having done enough revision, were dispelled. I then tested him on 15 difficult Biology questions and he nailed it! He said “the tapping has helped me focus and know I can do it”. “Can we tap every night this week please Mum”. So humbling! X”, Catherine Everett