Understanding your Enneagram can enable you to become a more effective mum, creating deeper connections to your children and supporting your children to grow into confident adults.
There are 9 Enneagram Types:
Type 1 The Reformer – Rational, Idealistic, Principled, Purposeful, Self-Controlled, Perfectionist
Type 2 The Helper – Caring, Interpersonal, Demonstrative, Generous, People-Pleasing, Possessive
Type 3 The Achiever – Success-Oriented, Pragmatic, Adaptive, Excelling, Driven, Image-Conscious
Type 4 The Individualist – Sensitive, Withdrawn, Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, Temperamental
Type 5 The Researcher – Intense, Cerebral, Perceptive, Innovative, Secretive, Isolated
Type 6 The Loyalist – Committed, Security-Oriented, Engaging, Responsible, Anxious, Suspicious
Type 7 The Enthusiast – Busy, Fun-Loving, Spontaneous, Versatile, Distractible, Scattered
Type 8 The Challenger – Powerful, Dominating, Self-Confident, Decisive, Wilful, Confrontational
Type 9 The Peacemaker – Easy-going, Self-Effacing, Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable, Complacent
There are many free online quizzes that will help you to identify your enneagram type. I recommend this one (however it is not free) or to simply read about the different types, go here.The online test I recommend is not free however you can google many free versions.
If you are Enneagram Type 6 then check out the key characteristics and challenges of being a Type 5 mum here + a tapping script specific to your needs!
Characteristics of an enneagram type 6 mum
1. strong sense of loyalty
2. high sense of responsiblity towards your family
3. deeply caring
4. protective of your child
5. prioritise your child’s safety
6. reliable, dependable & hold the family together
7. prepared for all eventualities
8. like to fit in with society norms
9. emphasise for your child to follow rules & guidelines
Challenges of an enneagram type 6 mum
1. struggle with anxiety and fear
2. overprotectiveness with your child’s safety & well-being
3. indecisiveness, especially with family choices
4. procrastination
5. difficulty trusting other parents, teachers & sometimes your child
6. micromanaging your child
7. overthinking
8. self-doubt
9. worry about future events
Core fear: Being unprepared, afraid
Core desire: Security, having help
Tapping Script for an Enneagram Type 6 Mum
Side of hand:
Even though I often feel anxious and worried about my child, I acknowledge these feelings and and accept my efforts to keep my family safe
Even though I can get caught up in worst-case scenarios, I sooth and comfort myself
Even though I sometimes feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities as a mum, maybe I can forgive myself for any mistakes I may have made and trust in my ability to navigate challenges
Top of head:feeling anxious and worried about my child
Eyebrow: sometimes my anxiety takes over
Side of eye: it’s hard for me to let go of control and trust other people
Under eye: I worry about all the things that could go wrong.
Under nose: sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who’s responsible for everything
Chin: and that feelings like a lot to carry
Collar bone: I know it’s not true, but it’s hard to change that way of thinking
Under arm: my anxiety can be overwhelming
Top of head: maybe its there to keep me safe
Eyebrow: maybe I want to learn to trust others more
Side of eye: maybe I can let go of some control
Under eye: so that I can relax and enjoy being a mum
Under nose: I wonder what that would feel like
Chin: I choose to learn new ways of thinking and being
Collar bone: so that I can embrace the challenges of parenting with ease
Under arm: I am open to trying new things
Top of head: I am open to finding ways of trusting others
Eyebrow: I choose to release this anxiety
Side of eye: I embrace a more peaceful way of being…
Under eye: …for myself and my family
Under nose: I am open to experiencing more peace
Chin: I am open to experiencing more trust
Collar bone: I am open to experiencing more ease
Under arm: I am safe and all is well
Centre of chest: Transform
Check in to see how you feel now. Some signs that EFT is working are:
* feeling tired
* feeling more energised
* tingling
* lightness
* heaviness
* yawning or burping
* feeling different from before
If none of those apply, don’t despair. There are many reasons why EFT may appear not to be working. Some of them are here. And 5 powerful reasons why EFT can get stuck is here.
If you are still struggling, book a 1-2-1 session with me.
Understanding the Enneagram can enable you to become a more effective mum, creating deeper connections to your children and supporting your children to grow into confident adults.
Use the Enneagram together with EFT to build stronger relationships with your children and identify areas for personal growth. Remember that it’s never too late to learn about the Enneagram, and it’s a tool that can be used throughout your life.
To work with me to improve your parenting experience, with the enneagram and EFT, go here.